This should be the final new follow-up thread from the community meeting yesterday.
The premise of this working group is that Pangeo’s scope need not stop at “merely” providing software tools that help do science more openly, but extend beyond that into trying to disrupt the ways in scientific publishing itself is not open.
Some ideas we could discuss:
What have we done well
- Tools to make (Zarr) data actually available, not just “upon reasonable request”
What could be better
- Cost models for archiving this data
- Web-based visualization of uploaded datasets
- Automated software / dataset citation network
- More nuanced models of credit
- Best practices around how to fairly give credit to contributors in open-source software and other aspects of open collaboration
- Moving away from Jupyter Notebooks as repos as a publication format
I have insider knowledge that @jbusecke and @paigem are writing out some thoughts on this topic already…
Taggin the people who put their names in the doc
@jmunroe @paigem @ThomasMGeo @matbro
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