Title: “Accelerating Science with Open Source – An Introduction to Open-Source Science (OSSci)”
Invited Speaker: Tim Bonnemann (ORCID: 0009-0002-9686-2686)
When: Wednesday Nov 8, 4PM EST
Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom
The world is facing many pressing challenges (e.g., climate change, transition to green energy, feeding the planet). We need more, better, and faster science. We know that software can accelerate science and that open source can accelerate software. However, when it comes to open source in science, there are many issues that prevent it from reaching its full potential. Without a much more robust infrastructure for open source in science, an infrastructure that works for the scientists in particular, progress towards tackling our pressing challenges will take that much longer and be more costly. Open-Source Science (OSSci) aims to improve the ways open source in science gets done. OSSci connects scientists, OSS developers, and other stakeholder to share best practices, identify common pain points, and explore solutions together.
- 20 minutes - Community Showcase
- 40 minutes - Showcase discussion/Community check-ins