Title: “Project Pythia Cookbooks: challenges and progress in breaking down barriers to Open Science”
Invited Speaker: Brian Rose (ORCID: 0000-0002-9961-3821)
When: Wednesday, October 02, 2024 at 12 PM EDT
Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Project Pythia is creating on-ramps to the Pangeo community with open, interactive learning resources centered on Python in the geosciences. Our current focus is on Pythia Cookbooks: a community-owned collection of accessible, reusable, and reproducible tutorials and exemplar workflows in the cloud, and a successor to the former Pangeo Gallery. Cookbooks are explicitly tied to reproducible computational environments and supported by a rich infrastructure enabling collaborative authoring and automated health-checking. Cookbooks are hosted on Pythia’s searchable gallery and nurtured by a growing community of open science enthusiasts from across the geosciences.
I will give an overview of the Cookbook initiative to date. I will outline the stack of technologies and infrastructure enabling cookbook creation, collaboration, testing, publication, and interactive deployment, and how these are used in service of building an inclusive participatory community. I’ll discuss existing technical and social hurdles for contributors, as well as new infrastructure developments in collaboration with the Executable Books Project that are reducing these hurdles.
- 10 - 15 minutes - Showcase presentation
- 10 - 30 minutes - Discussion
- 15 - 30 minutes - Community check-in