AGU Fall Meeting 2019

The 2019 AGU Fall Meeting is just a few weeks away. We’ve written a quick blog post listing the known Pangeo tutorials, presentations, and meetups.

I’ll be coordinating a Pangeo Happy Hour for Monday (12/9) night. Location TBD (will be announced here).

Please use this issue to extend the list of presentations in the blog or to make other announcements/comments related to AGU.

related: Promoting 2019 AGU Pangeo Workshop

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I won’t be at AGU itself but I live in San Francisco, so I’m looking forward to the happy hour!


A quick update. We’ve moved the happy hour/dinner to Tuesday night. Details are below:

Location: ThirstyBear Brewing Company
Time: 6:45 PM
Reservation: 10

Please like this post if you plan to attend. If it looks like the number will exceed 10, I’ll work on increasing our reservation size. Looking forward to seeing folks next week.


By Tuesday do you mean 10th December? Unfortunately I can’t make it, but will try to catch some of you another evening.

Yes, Tuesday the 10th.

Doesn’t this time conflict with the town hall meeting on Open Source Software?

Would it make sense to move the meetup start time to ~7:30 pm to avoid this conflict?

Good question. I’m fine with this suggestion but I think we should hear from others if this will cause problems for their schedules.

I’ll be in town M-W but not at AGU. I look forward to seeing folks at social events.

@brian-rose and others. I’ve heard from enough people that are not going to the town hall to justify keeping the original 6:45p reservation in place. I think we’ll end up with a rotating cast and that is okay. See you all tomorrow night.

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