Is there documentation on how to edit one/any of these calendars? The Pangeo-Forge group might want to change schedules, and I am wondering how/who can do that.
@rabernat do you know about this?
Is there documentation on how to edit one/any of these calendars? The Pangeo-Forge group might want to change schedules, and I am wondering how/who can do that.
@rabernat do you know about this?
Hi @jbusecke,
+1 here, I was just thinking of how I could add this meeting to the calendar: european coffee notes - Google Docs
I’ve have been encountering similar confusion about getting access to the showcase speaker interest form. I opened Create a bus-factors repository · Issue #926 · pangeo-data/pangeo · GitHub to hopefully organize this information moving forward.
I have write access to this calendar, but I am not the owner, so I can’t give access to others. The calendar ID is:
This indicates that someone from NCAR probably created the calendar.
In the short term, I can add / modify events. In the long term, we need to figure out who actually owns the calendar and potentially transfer ownership to numfocus.
Edit: I believe it was @jhamman. Joe do you still have ownership over this calendar? I believe your NCAR identity has expired, so it might be orphaned.
If it was my NCAR calendar, then it is orphaned. I do remember adding a few other “owners” (likely rpa AT and rsignell AT so it may be editable still. I do see that someone added the numfocus Zoom recently so there is hope.
I can check in with IT to see if there’s a way to revive it if that would be helpful.
I have the ability to add events, but I am not the catalog owner, so I don’t think I can add other owners myself. The catalog shows up under “Other Calendars” (rather than “My calendars”) in my
google calendar.
@kafitzgerald - if you can have IT transfer ownership to someone else (like you!) that would be a great step.
Done and shared.
I’ll coordinate with folks to come up with a more robust plan moving forward as well.
Amazing thanks @kafitzgerald