You are invited to provide feedback on the Pangeo showcase!

We still have one exciting showcase talk left for the fall series, but it’s already time to start planning for the spring. I want to hear from you about what we can do better!

Specific topics I’d like to hear about:

  • Would you be excited, indifferent, or terribly disappointed if the America’s Time-Zone Pangeo showcases happened bi-weekly at 12 PM ET, with regular community meetings on the other weeks? This proposal is based off a discussion at the community meeting a couple weeks ago and the scheduling survey from the beginning of the fall series.
    • Would the Europe/Africa time-zone community meeting be interested in hosting Pangeo showcases on the alternating weeks? cc @annefou @tinaok
  • What topics are you most interested in - new software libraries, new developments in libraries like Xarray, Zarr, and Dask, infrastructure approaches, scientific use cases, or a mix of some/all of those?
  • Should any parts of the Pangeo showcase hosting process be added, cut, or automated?
  • Anything else you want to share!

I encourage people, especially those who don’t regularly post on the discourse, to share their thoughts as a comment in this thread. It truly doesn’t matter how strongly you hold the belief or whether your comment is well-written - I want to hear it!

However, if you’re still not convinced, you can instead share feedback via this form.

I like the bi-weekly idea!
I’d like to see a talk on stac-rs perhaps by Pete Gadomski?


It would be great to have a session in an EU-friendly time zone. Perhaps if the US showcases move to bi-weekly, the EUcommunity could host a showcase once a month or every two months during the alternating weeks when the US side isn’t hosting.
Look for feedback from EU side @pl.marasco @geynard @annefou


We just had our weekly European informal coffee meeting, and on the European side, we can propose moving our informal coffee meeting to Tuesday at 16:00 (CET). and, we could host a showcase once a month or every two months.

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Living in the UK I’m definitely a fan of the time changes :smiley:
And getting the European community involved in the showcases too

I probably like the xarray/zarr/dask updates the most, but it’s rare that I haven’t found a showcase interesting in some way!


Thanks for the thoughts everyone! Starting in February 2025 (we already have a showcase scheduled for January 29), we’ll leave the final Wednesday of every month as a community meeting (no showcase) for the Americas TZ. It sounds like the European community call may involve a presentation during those weeks. Thanks also for the ideas about topics of interest