Pangeo Weekly Telecon

Pangeo holds a telecon every week, open to anyone and everyone. The aim of these weekly meetings is to share and discuss ongoing work, brainstorm ideas, and coordinate efforts.

  • The meetings are held using the online service Zoom (details below)
  • The agenda is a shared google doc.

We alternate times in order to accommodate participants in different timezones. The full schedule is available at Meeting Schedule and Notes — Pangeo documentation.

I’ll use this thread to post reminders prior to each weekly meeting.

Zoom Details

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Launch Meeting - Zoom


There will be a checkin meeting Wednesday, September 18, 1pm PT / 4pm ET.

Among several agenda topics, I hope to discuss how we feel about our new discourse forum! :smile:

There will be a weekly Checkin meeting Today, Sept 25, 12pm ET. I am unfortunately traveling today and won’t be able to chair. Hopefully someone else can run the meeting.

There will be a weekly Checkin meeting Tomorrow, Oct 2, 4pm ET . I heard a rumor from @rsignell that some NOAA colleagues may be joining us.

Everyone, please feel free to add agenda items using the google doc link above.

It looks like our whereby room is currently maxed out at 12 people. Switching to

Tomorrow is an early meeting: Oct 9, 12pm ET. To avoid any size limitations, we will use again.

There are some important topics on the agenda:

Please feel free to suggest other topics!

There was no meeting last, week, so I’m very excited for our meeting today, Oct 23, 12pm ET.

We can do some postgame analysis of the CMIP6 hackathon, which I feel was a huge success. All are welcome!

I have created a recurring Zoom meeting for our weekly meeting. Details below

Join Zoom Meeting
Launch Meeting - Zoom

Meeting ID: 953 527 251

One tap mobile
+16468769923,953527251# US (New York)
+16699006833,953527251# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 953 527 251
Find your local number: Zoom International Dial-in Numbers - Zoom

What a shame, I thought I would be able to attend this week, but we’ve not switched time yet so too late for me again! In two weeks hopefully!

Hi @geynard–my sincere apologies for this mixup. I did not realize we had definitively resolved to move the meeting time. I still have it in my calendar at the existing time.

Can you link me to that discussion. I can’t seem to find it.

That’s just a timezone mix up from my part, nothing from you! In France we’re switching to winter hour on sunday. The last time I checked the meeting hour (obviously a few months ago…), it was at 5pm in France, but currently it’s 6pm. I need to get better at this…

There will be a “late” Pangeo checkin meeting today, Oct 30, 4pmET.

We will use the Zoom meeting link posted above:

The Pangeo Telecon for tomorrow (11/6) is showing up at 11am ET on my calendar, but I assume the call is still at 12pm Eastern, right?

I do whatever the calendar tells me! Is it possible this is a daylight savings time issue? We did not deliberately move the meeting time.

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The meeting time is set in the GMT timezone so there are times when daylight savings time adds some confusions:

  • Early Weeks: 4p GMT
  • Late Weeks: 8p GMT

We do this so we can always give our European colleagues a chance to make the early meeting. +1 on just adding the calendar event. It is always right :slight_smile:

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So to confirm, the meeting is happening today at 11 am ET (i.e. 45 minutes from now). We will use the zoom link (posted at the top of the thread).

Reminder there will be a weekly Checkin meeting tomorrow, Wednesday Nov 13, at 3pm EST.

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Reminder there will be a weekly Checkin meeting today, Wednesday Nov 20, at 11a EST .

There will be a weekly check-in meeting today, Nov 25, at 3 on ET.

I will be in the car driving to Vermont. I’ll join by phone. It would be great if someone else could chair the meeting, as I won’t be able to see the notes.

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There will be a weekly Checkin meeting tomorrow, Dec 4, at 11am EST. Looking forward to seeing you all there.