Title: Interactive Exploration of EMIT Mission Data
Invited Speaker: Erik A. Bolch (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2470-4048) KBR,
When: Wednesday Sep 20th 12PM EDT
Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom
The Earth Mineral dust source InvesTigation (EMIT) imaging spectrometer aboard the international space station measures the spectrum of light ranging from the visible to infrared for each location in an image. This data can then be used to identify the distinct spectral signatures or fingerprints of materials present and applied across many scientific domains to map things like mineral types, vegetation species and health, snow grain size, water quality, dust, and greenhouse gases. NASA’s Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) created and maintains the EMIT-Data-Resources repository, which contains Python workflows and Jupyter Notebooks developed and utilized within the Pangeo Framework. These resources leverage xarray and the HoloViz ecosystem to explore the data and create interactive visualizations. This showcase will demonstrate creating an interactive map linked to a per-pixel spectral plot that can be used to explore the surface reflectance at different locations. Additional notebooks demonstrate cloud-based access from NASA’s Earthdata Cloud, how to subset data based on points and areas of interest, and how to convert datasets to ENVI format. All resources shown are open to all from the EMIT-Data-Resources repository. Contributions to the repository are welcome!
- 20 minutes - Community Showcase
- 40 minutes - Showcase discussion/Community check-ins