Monday November 07, 2022 (Machine learning working group presentation) zen3geo: Guiding Earth Observation data on its path to enlightenment by Wei Ji Leong

Join us at the Pangeo ML working group meeting at noon ET on Monday, November 07, 2022 for a presentation by Wei Ji Leong (Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center) on "zen3geo: Guiding Earth Observation data on its path to enlightenment”, followed by an opportunity to share individual updates, and concluding with a discussion of agenda items.

When - November 7, 2022 12 PM ET

Where - Launch meeting - zoom

Agenda / Minutes - Meeting-notes-Machine-Learning-WG

Presentation Title - zen3geo: Guiding Earth Observation data on its path to enlightenment

Presentation Abstract -

When spatial data meets machine learning, how do we unite the two while keeping them separate? With torchdata, there is now a way to favour composition over inheritance, chaining together DataPipes that individually, excels at one function, but combined, works to process your custom dataset iteratively in a streaming fashion. Is your spatial data special? Only if you keep your metadata intact, and what better way to store those via xarray and/or geopandas! As a lightweight library, zen3geo is designed for the cloud-native geospatial era, acting as the glue between various geospatial libraries in the Pangeo ecosystem. From reading Spatiotemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) items, to rasterizing vector geometries with datashader and slicing multi-dimensional data with xbatcher, mix-and-match any component or custom transformation as you please. Begin your journey at and unlock new possibilities in Machine Learning for Earth Observation and beyond!

Presenter - Wei Ji Leong (Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center)

Will this be recorded? - No


Thanks @maxrjones! Is it possible to record the presentation too? I can handle the recordings and upload them to Youtube (maybe start a new Pangeo ML channel or re-use the Pangeo one) if it’s ok.

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Looking forward to this!

I expect that I’ll be able to accommodate your request to record the presentation, but will get back to you with a more clear answer after looking into some practicalities (e.g., zoom room details and Youtube channel options).

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We should be all set to record the presentation and send it to Jim for upload to the Pangeo YouTube channel :crossed_fingers:

Thanks again for presenting! Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:

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ICYMI, presentation slides are up at zen3geo: Guiding Earth Observation data on its path to enlightenment - HackMD. Hopefully the video recording will come out soon :crossed_fingers:. Also happy to take any questions/comments here :smiley:


Thanks for taking the effort to get this recorded, I missed it so I’m glad I got the chance to catch it this time around!


Thanks for posting the recording!