Pangeo Showcase: "Pangeo ML: Open source tools and pipelines for scalable machine learning using NASA Earth observation data"

Title: “Pangeo ML: Open source tools and pipelines for scalable machine learning using NASA Earth observation data”
Invited Speaker: Max Jones (ORCID: 0000-0003-0180-8928)
When: Wednesday, June 5, 4PM EDT
Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom
With support from NASA’s ACCESS-19 program, the Pangeo ML team built tools and resources to improve the ML workflows of researchers and data scientists working with complex multi-dimensional datasets. In this Pangeo showcase, I will demonstrate a subset of the exciting products from the project, including the improved integration between Xarray, Dask, and the PyTroll ecosystem (e.g., pyresample), simplified interactive exploration of earth-science and ML datasets through Holoviews tools, efficient batch generation using Xbatcher, and new ML data products related to climate downscaling, extreme heat, and ocean surface currents. Read more about the project in our final report.

  • 20 minutes - Community Showcase
  • 40 minutes - Showcase discussion/Community check-ins
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