Deadline 7/31: AGU session: A Vision for What's Next: NASA’s Evolving Data, Software, and Science

Hello Pangeo-ians!

NASA’s Office of the Chief Science Data Officer is organizing a session at the 2024 Fall American Geophysical Union (AGU) (largest annual gathering of Earth, space, and data scientists). ‘A Vision for What’s Next: NASA’s Evolving Data, Software, and Science’ will showcase efforts and research to enable the future of modern open science.

Calling all scientists and developers! Science is evolving faster than ever. Our research methods and the way we disseminate findings are steering us towards an open ecosystem of shared knowledge. Cloud-based data systems and computational infrastructures combined with new science platforms and artificial intelligence (AI) are providing unprecedented opportunities for new ideas and collaboration.

NASA is committed to embracing these advances and supporting scientists during this exciting time by supporting new systems for the scientific community, while increasing the accessibility of data to provide new scientific platforms for transformational interdisciplinary research.

So what does the future of modern science look like? You tell us. Submit your innovative ideas to enable groundbreaking research to be part of this exciting evolution. Join us in driving the future of science forward.

Interested? Submit your abstract here: AGU24

Submissions close on July 31 .

We look forward to hearing about your work,
Kevin Murphy, Andy Mitchell, Chelle Gentemann, and Steve Crawford


This session looks very cool!

Also very similar to another session

I’m hoping these will be merged so we can have a single unified session on this topic.

Yes! I seem to remember usually they ask organizers to merge before abstracts are due, but maybe they will do it after once they see how many are submitted. It would be good to have a single unified session, I agree.

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