AGU24 Union Session on Cloud Computing and Collaboration

We would like to alert the Pangeo community to a AGU24 Fall Meeting union session, “U001 - Accelerating Scientific Discovery and Interdisciplinary Collaboration through Cloud Computing Hubs and Tools.” The session description is below and can also be found here.

Union sessions are innovative AGU sessions that cover interdisciplinary topics of broad interest and convergent science themes. Union sessions include an oral session of invited speakers and optionally a companion poster session. Submitting an abstract to this session would be for a poster presentation. Abstract submissions are due July 31st.

Session Description
This session will explore the transformative role of cloud computing hubs and related tools in accelerating scientific discovery across multiple AGU disciplines. We seek to showcase how cloud-based platforms facilitate seamless collaboration, enhance data accessibility, and streamline workflows to enhance and advance discovery for answering pressing scientific questions and addressing societal challenges. We invite contributions that demonstrate cloud-computing enabled data access and analysis workflows, open-source software, tools for collaboration, workshops and training, and related challenges. Submissions are encouraged from individuals, disciplinary teams and especially inter- and transdisciplinary teams of practitioners from multiple disciplines, demonstrating how cloud computing hubs and tools facilitate open collaboration, data access and analysis, and the sharing of results with the scientific community and policymakers. We welcome submissions from works in-progress to completed efforts and encourage early-career and non-traditional researchers to share their innovative approaches and findings.

Please reach out for questions and we look forward to seeing some of your exciting work in our session!

AGU Session U001 conveners:
Wilson Sauthoff ( (primary)
Ellie Abrahams (
Jessica Scheick (
Tasha Snow (