Forwarding this email Catalina M. Oaida of NASA…
This email is to invite and inform you of an upcoming opportunity, Cloud Hackathon: Transitioning Earthdata Workflows to the Cloud, held remotely November 15-19, 2021. This is a cross-DAAC collaboration led by PO.DAAC, LP DAAC and NSIDC DAAC with support from GESDISC, ASDC, IMPACT and the NASA Openscapes project.
The Cloud Hackathon is a virtual 5-day (4 hours per day) collaborative learning experience aimed at exploring, creating, and promoting effective cloud-based science and applications workflows using NASA Earthdata Cloud data, tools, and services (among others), in support of Earth science data processing and analysis in the era of big data.
This is an opportunity for researchers who might not have yet had the opportunity to work in the cloud to explore, learn, and prototype data access and usage workflows within a cloud environment (e.g. discovering, access, visualizing, and processing steps). It will also provide more intermediate or advanced cloud users the opportunity to further explore cloud workflows with Earthdata Cloud data.
If you are interested in participating in this event, please submit an application. To help us tailor the hackathon content, we encourage you to think about and provide a science use case that you would like to prototype in the cloud.
Please see 2021 Cloud Hackathon for more details and updates.
Thanks for your interest and help sharing this opportunity with interested people within your science team, research groups, or colleagues.