Join us in Seattle for the 2024 NASA Earth Sciences & UW Hackweek
The eScience Institute at the University of Washington is excited to present the next evolution in our annual hackweek program. 2024 will be our first combined event, with projects using data from the NASA ICESat-2 and SnowEx missions and with specialists from the NSF GeoSMART program providing training in Machine Learning. UW Hackweeks have always been about collaboration, learning, and fun. The new combined event structure will allow for even greater levels of skill sharing between domains, while retaining the specific project focus that has made the event so valuable to participants over the years.
NASA Earth Sciences & UW Hackweek
August 19-23, 2024
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Application Deadlines
We are accepting applications from UW and beyond from April 2 - 30 (Open until 11:59 PST)
Visit to apply and learn more about the program
What is a Hackweek?
Tutorials + Peer-to-Peer Learning + Project Team-Based Work
A hackweek is a participant-driven workshop that blends data science education, community building, and project work over a short period of time. The events are highly immersive and allow participants to work directly with data science professionals to co-shape projects and educational outcomes. Hackweeks often help individuals and teams engage more effectively in open and reproducible science.
Who attends?
Hackweeks are designed to support academic students and researchers at the graduate level and higher, as well as data scientists, engineers, technicians and industry partners.