XDGGS development meetings

We’re planning to have regular meetings to discuss the development of xdggs. I propose we try bi-weekly meetings of about 30 minutes starting with the week of April 2nd (or April 8th, should we select Mondays), and adjust if that turns out to be insufficient.

While the meetings will be focused on the development of xdggs, this also involves standardization efforts like figuring out how to best encode the DGGS grid information into attributes such that it is interoperable with other software stacks.

The meetings are going to be on Mondays at 14:00-14:30 (central european time: CET or CEST), starting with April 8th, 2024. For information on how to join the call or where to find the meeting notes, see developer meetings · xarray-contrib/xdggs · Discussion #45 · GitHub

Closed poll announcement:

If you are interested, feel free to fill out this poll. If none of these fit or if there’s any other issues, feel free to reach out to me, either by DM here (user profiles have a “message” button) or on the pangeo discord.

I’ll close the poll by March 29th, 18:00 CEST.

See also:

I tried filling it out but it failed, please include me, my timezone +10 is dire but I’ll attend as I can mdsumner at gmail :pray:

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According to the poll, everyone who answered has time on Mondays, 14:00-14:30 CEST (centered on the central European time zone) starting with April 8th, 2024. I hope this also allows you to join occasionally, @Michael_Sumner.

The notes will be at https://hackmd.io/jqO-swWqTnGjnDLNVeDXog, and I’ll try to organize a meeting room by then (numfocus zoom or anything else) and edit the first post of both this thread and the discussion at developer meetings · xarray-contrib/xdggs · Discussion #45 · GitHub to contain both links.

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