Pangeo workshop at IGARSS 2020

Matt Hanson and I were talking IGARSS 2020 and brainstormed about a Pangeo workshop, similar to the one at AGU 2019. Matt is interested in introducing STAC through the workshop via landsat or sentinel data via public data sets. Sentinel 2 will be published to AWS public datasets in COG format by that time, for at least Africa.

I’m interested in helping to propose and run a Pangeo workshop at IGARSS. It’s our understanding that the existing materials (on python libraries and pangeo community and stack of tools), would be of interest to the IGARSS community but that they haven’t yet been shared.

What do you all think?
Is anyone else submitting proposals to IGARSS for a session or workshop on Pangeo topics?


Noting that deadline for tutorials is closed (and I sent an email to see if there is still any tutorial proposal availability, which there is not) so this is a non-topic topic.