We are aiming to contribute to a world-wide online training event called GTN Smörgåsbord 2: 14-18 March and have started to prepare some training material for “novices” (introduction to Pangeo ecosystem and xarray for novices). This training event will bring the Galaxy Community, the Carpentries and hopefuly Pangeo Community.
It is free and open to everyone and we will be using the Galaxy Infrastructure Training as a service.
The training material is under construction and we would love to get reviews/contributors:
Pangeo ecosystem 101 for everyone - Introduction to Xarray Galaxy Tools:
slides.html contains slides introducing Pangeo to someone who never heard about it. tutorial.md corresponds to hands-on.This training material does not require the usage of command lines: the idea is to explain the concepts behind Pangeo; starting with Xarray to people who do not write Python code. So they can understand the concepts without being overload with Python syntax. - Pangeo Notebook in Galaxy - Introduction to Xarray: introduction to Pangeo with JupyterLab Pangeo notebook: very similar to Xarray Tutorial — Pangeo Gallery documentation ; the idea is to have an “entry” point in the Galaxy training. Here also, we have slides.html where we hope to explain in more details the Pangeo ecosystem and tutorial.md with hands-on.
We need in January and February 2022:
- contributors to slides and tutorials;
- reviewers to go through the slides and try out the tutorials;
- Creation of videos (showing/explaining how to go through the training material);
During the event e.g. 14-18 March 2022:
- Check the slack channel of the event and answer any potential questions during the event
If you are willing to contribute:
- you can make PR directly to galaxy-training-material/topics/climate/tutorials/pangeo-notebook at pangeo · NordicESMhub/galaxy-training-material · GitHub and galaxy-training-material/topics/climate/tutorials/pangeo at pangeo · NordicESMhub/galaxy-training-material · GitHub or leave a message in the Pangeo Europe gitter.