GEOAnalytics Canada maintains a pangeo-style jupyter hub deployment amongst other tools for large Earth Observation data analytics at-scale on public cloud infrastructures.
Access to GEOAnalytics Canada is limited to paying clients, and all assets/datasets are private. You can contact us for further discussions.
By the way, how do you define “Pangeo JupyterHub”? Do you just mean JupyterHub + Dask + colocated storage used for geosciences compute (with Xarray & Co), i.e. the the Pangeo software stack?
We’re currently deploying Pangeo-style Jupyterhub on EOSC. It has already been used for several workshops and training, for example FOSS4G, or Clivar. Not sure about the future, but it would be nice if we could open it to more people.
We also have a Pangeo Jupyterhub at CNES (french space agency). It is an HPC deployment.
Only people working on a project related with CNES can have access to the Hub (and the associated HPC platform).
So you cannot just sign up.
The Hub is accessible at, but the configuration is not public. It’s mainly a virtual machine with Jupyterhub and Nginx installed on it, the VM being connected to the HPC facility for jupyter notebook server submission through Jupyter batchspawner. Pangeo software is installed as HPC modules and conda environments.
The platform is collocated with PEPS, so it has basically access to every Sentinel 1 and 2 products. Other earth observations datasets are partially accessible.