Pangeo Europe deployments on HPC, cloud, local machines, etc


We would like to know more about the usage of Pangeo in Europe and in particular which “deployment” you are using.
So if you are located in Europe and are using Pangeo:

  • Have you deployed pangeo yourself on your company/institute/university premises or are you using a punlic deployment (which one)?
  • What is your area of expertise (atmospheric scientists, oceanographer, research software engineer, system administrator, etc.)?

I am starting this thread to initiate some discussions and start gathering/collect info.


Hi @annefou,

At CNES (French Space Agency), we deployed a Pangeo like Plateform on our computing platform. It is available at, but obviously you need an account there to use it. I can share some details on how it was deployed (I’ve wanted to do it publicly for a long time, but did not manage to find enough time to do it yet).

It is used mainly for earth observation data analysis (temporal stacks, machine learning), but also for developing and prototyping a lot of other algorithms. My personal area of expertise is software engineering (specialized in distributed data processing), but I’m also a bit system administrator.

I also sometimes use Pangeo public deployment on GCE for demos.

I’ll ping some European users: @apatlpo @jlesommer @Aurelie_ALBERT @lesteve @pl.marasco @tinaok @willirath @WesleyTheGeolien @jacobtomlinson @Theo_McCaie.


@annefou ,

The JASMIN platform in the UK has the ability to prop up Pangeo deployments (Cluster-as-a-Service - Pangeo - JASMIN help docs) . I’m not sure how many users are using it. Myself and Ryan Neely (from U. Leeds) are planning to use Pangeo on JASMIN in the future for data related to a long-term experiment in Greenland (ICECAPS), but we’re just getting started; newbies!!


Von P. Walden, Washington State University

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