As discussed many times, we should definitely propose a Pangeo session at the upcoming ESIP summer meeting! (In lieu of organizing our own conference, which we don’t have the bandwidth to do this year.)
Submission deadline April 16!
Would anyone like to lead the organization of this?
I’d be happy to lead organizing one session. In what is now becoming a tradition, we’ve generally had a session focused on technical development (i.e. STAC) as well as a science-focused session with talks. Ping @aimeeb@rsignell@geoskeptic@amanda-tan@aaarendt who have also led sessions over the last couple years including:
Thanks for tagging @scottyhq , I don’t think any of my Pangeo or STAC work will be ready by April 16 but I do understand that my colleagues David Bitner and Sean Harkins might have some STAC progress to share.
I will share a link with them - do they need any invites to join this discourse? I don’t think so.
@scottyhq the ESIP Machine Learning cluster is currently planning two sessions that are highly related to the Pangeo community (particularly related to Dask). So it might be good to coordinate during the planning phase.
Thanks @douglasrao for mentioning! ESIP ML cluster is thinking about two session proposals on “New Frontiers in AI for Earth and Space: Big Data and Parallel Computing” (one in speaker format, one in tutorial format). Welcome everyone to join. @scottyhq are you interested in organizing one of the sessions?
@douglasrao and @Jensen thanks for the heads up on the ESIP ML cluster planning efforts, much appreciated! Hopefully folks in the ACCESS2019-funded “Pangeo ML” effort (@jhamman, @jbednar ?) are plugged in there and can help plan or present in either the tutorial or speaker session. Could either of you add a link to the ESIP meeting schedule or notes in this thread? I’ll try to also organize a session that isn’t specific to ML or AI methods.
Thanks @scottyhq! Sure, the meeting notes are here The next cluster meeting is at 12:00PM EST this Friday. The meeting link will be added in the notes soon. @jhamman@jbednar welcome to join!