Anonymous Access of AGU Articles Blocked?

The Problem

Has anyone run into issues anonymously accessing AGU articles? For the Project Pythia Cookbooks, we have CI integrated, with link-checkers, to make sure that links do not go out of date. Starting in early March, our CI was claiming that any links to AGU published articles in the CMIP6 cookbook.

Around that same time, it appears Wiley Online Library updated their terms of use, indicating:

A. To make Wiley Online Library and the Electronic Products useful, the following rules apply:

  1. Users may browse all Tables of Content for all Electronic Products on Wiley Online Library, regardless of what Licensed Electronic Products the Customer subscribes to, and search the entire database of Tables of Content and abstracts. For most publications, Users may browse the abstracts as well.
  2. Customers and their Authorized Users will have access to the full text of the Licensed Electronic Products covered by the applicable License. Customers and their Authorized Users may download, search, retrieve, display and view, copy and save to a secure network or other electronic storage media and store or print out single copies of individual articles or items for their own personal use, scholarly, educational or scientific research or internal business use. Customers and Authorized Users may also transmit such material to a third-party colleague in hard copy or electronically for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research or professional use but in no case for re-sale, systematic distribution, e.g. posting on a listserv, network (including scientific social networks) or automated delivery, or for any other use (including distribution through social networking websites and scholarly collaboration networks, except for those that have agreed to Wiley’s Article Sharing Policy found here: and solely in accordance therewith). In addition, Authorized Users have the right to use, with appropriate credit, figures, tables and brief excerpts from individual articles in the Licensed Electronic Product(s) in their own scientific, scholarly and educational works. Please note that these rights do not extend to the use of material, images or figures that are separately listed as the copyright of a third party.
  3. All Users have the option to create a My Profile Page which will allow them to create links to Electronic Product(s), articles of interest and search criteria which may be reused by them and manage their custom e-mail alerting services. In order to do so, Users must register. During the registration process, Users will select and register a user name and password which they must keep confidential and not disclose to or share with anyone else.

Has anyone run into similar issues with the new terms of use? Is there any way to check the status of these links with these new terms of use?

Don’t know about AGU policies but aren’t DOIs immutable? In which case should always succeed and you could skip those in the checker?

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That’s a good point.

Looks like the sphinx linkcheck builder (which Jupyterbook is using under the hood) has an option to exclude specified patterns:

I am using the DOI links here, for example:

which should point to here:

But yeah - I think excluding those from the link checker would make sense