Who runs Pangeo Social Media? Other platforms

Hey folks.

After Wednesdays events I have decided to nuke my Elon enshittyfied social media account. I honestly do not know why I waited so long but one of the reasons was the ability to stay up to date with everything Pangeo!

I am exploring other platforms at the moment and am wondering if folks would be interested in expanding the “official” social media presence of Pangeo beyond twitter? I actually do not even know who manages the current account? If this is something that I can support somehow please let me know.

Just wanted to bring this up, but also no urgency here. There are more important things in the world right now.

Big virtual hug to everyone.


Hey Julius, I totally hear you. I would love to see Pangeo active elsewhere on social media. Blue Sky seems like a natural fit. Maybe whoever manages the pangeo.io socials and DNS could make a @pangeo.io account?

I think there is also a lot of potential with making use of the Pangeo Discord to facilitate community.


Tangentially the way that Bluesky actually works (as a federated set of distributed servers that anyone can run) is really interesting - see this detailed article about the history of it


Hey, a related thought to this discussion: if anyone here has a bluesky account, post it here — I’m creating a pangeo starter pack.

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On the EU side, we’ve been considering setting up a LinkedIn account for Pangeo. Expanding our reach across different platforms sounds like a great way to keep our community connected, especially as people explore alternatives.

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I don’t think there’s a single person who “runs” Pangeo social media. When I needed access to twitter for organizing this fall’s showcase talks, @rsignell set me up with access.

I also hear you and dislike logging on to twitter to announce the showcases. I would love if the community moved to BlueSky + LinkedIn. I know in the past new platforms for Pangeo have been added with minimal process (e.g., Pangeo chat (Discord, Slack, Zulip, Element, etc.)?), but I’m not sure if the same decision making approach would apply for abandoning twitter :thinking:

Somewhat relatedly, I created https://github.com/pangeo-data/bus-factors to identify risks and make it simpler for contributors to find points of contact for various Pangeo resources, though there’s a lot of remaining triage needed.


Oh that is very helpful. Thanks @maxrjones! I am pretty heavily booked this week but Ill look into some options to maybe automate/mirror posts across networks?


FYI Tom alerted me that the pangeo bluesky social account has been taken by someone who is definitely not affiliated with our community. I’ve claimed pangeo-data at the default bluesky social domain for now and will work on setting up a pangeo.io account this week. I may need Joe, Ryan, or Tom to add me as an admin on the domain account first, but we’ll see.

We would need to add a new DNS record to our domain in order to use pangeo.io for bluesky. @TomAugspurger would you be able to help me with this? We could either have a quick zoom or I could send you the record info from bluesky.

Happy to help. I’m free for the next ~30 minutes, or we can set up a time tomorrow.

Alternatively, feel free to drop the record that needs to be added here (I think it’s safe to share publicly? I think that’s kind of the point, that it’ll be public. Otherwise by email at tom.w.augspurger@gmail.com). I already did this for linking my bluesky account to my DNS.

Amazing, thank you! I just emailed you the record. I am also available for ~15 minutes if there’s more info needed

You should be all set on the DNS side:

❯ dig -t txt +short _atproto.pangeo.io
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We’re live - @pangeo.io on Bluesky :tada: Thank you, Tom!


Hey @jbusecke, do you know any good cross-posting options for bluesky and linkedin? @rsignell suggested Schedule your Bluesky posts with Buffer | Build an Authentic Community as one option, but we weren’t sure if there are other simpler, free ways. Otherwise, I’ll plan to post an update on Twitter and LinkedIn that the weekly showcase announcements for the spring will be shared on BlueSky.

here’s the post announcing the switch to other platforms - x.com