Three PhD Positions on: Deep Learning ... Forest Stress ... High-dimensional Data Cubes

We have three PhD Positions available at the newly established Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System Research (RSC4Earth) in Leipzig, Germany on

  1. Deep Learning for Vegetation Parameter Retrieval from Spectral Data
  2. Reservoir Computing Predicts Ecosystem Anomalies
  3. Understanding Forest Stress from High-dimensional Data Cubes

We look for people with ideally

  • Enthusiasm for understanding the complexity of Earth system dynamics
  • Proficiency in multivariate statistics, machine learning, optimisation and interest in learning about dynamical systems or ecosystem ecology
  • Good programming / scripting skills (Python, Julia, R … )
  • Experience in working with state-of-the-art remote sensing data or zarr-data cubes etc…

… but we are fully aware that a PhD project is a time for learning! So if these items catch your attention please have a look at the description and don’t hesitate to get in touch: Job altert

Miguel Mahecha


Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum!

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Rien ne va plus! We have (too) many excellent applications already.