SWOT Simulator for Ocean Science


We have updated the SWOT simulator for Ocean products. The simulator uses the official format of future SWOT products.

There is a notebook that explains the principle of the software. You can use it to interpolate an SSH and simulate the instrumental errors of the mission. These errors are stored in “simulated_error” variables and allow you to correct the SSH for these errors. You can also access the SSH without instrumental errors in the “simulated_true_ssh_karin” variable. These different simulated variables will not be present in the final product.

This simulator is regularly used for different studies and generates a sample of products that PODAC will distribute. In addition to the variables generated by the simulator, these files will contain geophysical variables updated by a component of the ground segment of the SWOT mission.

The version available on GitHub is not yet available on PIP or conda-forge. We still need to finalize some points.

Suggestions or remarks are welcome.

Links to, documentation and the GitHub repository.