Simplifying Compiled Python Packages

Hi! I’m working on an NSF proposal to make compiled packages simpler, primarily though reworking scikit-build, the official tool for making Python packages with CMake, and this proposal needs input on the science that will be enabled by making compiled packages easier and more reliable. For projects that are interested and if it is accepted, I would be available to help adapt or build a scikit-build based build system for a package(s), as well as general help and advice on CMake, bindings (I’m a pybind11 maintainer), and distribution (I’m a cibuildwheel maintainer).

Much more about the proposal specifics can be found at Scikit Build Proposal - ISciNumPy. If someone is interested, I’d like to chat - ideally, I would get a description of what this would enable and a collaboration letter stating that you’d be happy to work with me if the project is accepted. Jim Pivarski, who works on Awkward Array and is also at Princeton, recommended I ask around here to see if anyone was mixing compiled code and Python for Pangeo.