September 1, 2022: Handling large geo data with Julia

Pangeo Show-and-Tell presentation by Felix Cremer, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry (Germany).


Felix Cremer received his diploma in mathematics from the University of Leipzig in 2014. In 2016 he started his PhD study on time series analysis of hypertemporal Sentinel-1 radar data. He currently works at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry on the development of the JuliaDataCubes ecosystem in the scope of the NFDI4Earth project.


The Earth Data Lab (EDL) is a data cube framework in Julia for the efficient handling of raster data. It is based on the YAXArrays.jl package. YAXArrays.jl provides functionality to deal with labelled arrays, similar to the xarray python package and it also provides efficient and easy multithreading and distributed computation of user defined functions along arbitrary slices of the data.

EarthDataLab.jl uses DiskArrays.jl in the backend to deal with out of memory datasets. In this Show-and-Tell Felix is going to give a short introduction into the EarthDataLab.jl package for raster data handling in Julia.


The presentation will be recorded.


You can find the notebook that I am going to present here:

and the Documentation for YAXArrays which is the underlying work horse here:



Where can we watch the recording?


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We’ll post the link here very soon, Thanks for your patience.

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Research Object with all the information : Handling large geo data with Julia. Direct link to youtube video


When I click on the Research Object link, I am asked to login.
Is this expected?

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@felixcremer Sorry for not replying earlier. I was quite busy and I did not see your message. No there is no need to login to view a Research Object. But I made a mistake: I did not share the right link. Here it is:

Handling large geo data with Julia

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