Scheduling icepyx releases

At our last meeting, we discussed using GitHub projects and milestones to organize and schedule icepyx releases. Some highlights from our conversation:

  • we need to create and update a release log
  • milestones, complete with deadlines, will be used to determine which features will be completed next and who is in charge of each one
  • bug fixes will be added to the next scheduled release (milestone)
  • currently, the listed projects correspond to releases/milestones, but larger features with multiple steps can ultimately have their own projects (though unfortunately we cannot assign an entire project or project notecard to a milestone unless it is also an issue)

Please check out the current projects and milestones. Feel free to assign yourself some issues. At our next meeting, we’ll assign leads for the outstanding issues in the 0.3.1 release project and discuss the deadline set for the associated milestone.