pyOpenSci Fall Festival

Hi friends! pyOpenSci is hosting its inaugural Open Science Fall Festival, a five day series of keynotes (free!), talks, and hands-on workshops in writing better more maintainable code, Python packaging and Quarto for dynamic interactive publishing.

We also are offering free keynote talks on day one where you can learn about MyST markdown from it’s creator - Rowan Crocket, some of the benefits of open Science and how LLM’s are impacting how we work from Eric Ma and about how open source impacts open science from Melissa Mendoça.

You can register for individual sessions or the entire week, and all workshops include an office hours session where you can chat with the pros about tools and techniques, and get any lingering questions answered. We also have scholarships available, and encourage anyone to apply! Scholarship recipients can attend the entire event at no charge.

Please let me know if you have any questions!