I’d like to plan a short sprint on Pangeo Outreach Education and Training efforts (POETs) for March 17 + 24 + 31 starting at 10am PDT (these are Tuesdays). We will probably convene on Zoom and we will address Amanda’s Issue #15 and any and all other POETic trajectories. I know I have a few fish to fry; so if this is of interest please bring your fish to fry as well.
Hi all! For anyone planning on sprinting today, I’ll be hanging out intermittently at https://whereby.com/pangeo
Update from @robfatland via email this morning
Agenda in brief
- Sprint objectives (both today and thru March 31)
- POETs Scope Review
- Audiences
- POETs management team
- Issue handling
- Integration: From Course to Pangeo Resource
- Review POETs structure
- What is there, what is missing?
Notes (Google Doc, Comment mode)
Topic: Pangeo Education (POETS)
Time: Mar 17, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Tue, until Mar 31, 2020, 3 occurrence(s)
Mar 17, 2020 10:00 AM
Mar 24, 2020 10:00 AM
Mar 31, 2020 10:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Weekly: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/u5UtduCgpz8p0uMqohs1OA9wpr2GOUTvrw/ics?icsToken=98tyKu-prjojEt2Rs1yCZ7ItA6_qbuG5kiFbh7JSlAy0LAEKdRPkZMVtB4ZpAs-B
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 610 198 943
One tap mobile
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Thanks Ryan; We’ll start at 10 with a round-the-room and a review of where we are, and take the remaining time for maybe a couple break out / report back cycles. Zoom allows me to set up dedicated Rooms for this.
Today (shortly) there is a POETs sprint call. Join the Zoom meeting at https://washington.zoom.us/j/610198943 if you are interested in catching up.
The sprint next week March 31 will be better organized via doodle poll. I have not had much time to put into POETs since the call last Tuesday.
Notes document here, notes from last Tuesday at the bottom of the file.
Unfortunately the sprint timeslot conflicts with my teaching, but I wanted to check in to note that the first book from https://github.com/ExecutableBookProject/meta/issues is now up:
we’ll be adopting this format for all of our computing-related teaching material in EOAS. I’m currently interviewing students for 2 summer coop postions to do frontend and backend work around this toolset.
Our third very casual sprint call is today at 10am PDT at this zoom link
These are very casual calls owing to circumstances so if you are a POET feel free to drop by and check in on the Pangeo outreach / training program. My agenda is in two parts:
- Represent the Pangeo spectrum as it pertains to a new person learning the stack
- Capture your perspective and/or what you are doing to contribute to said