Title: “Delivering OGC Processing API, OGC EDR, and OPeNDAP services with pygeoapi and Catalog-to-Xpublish”
Invited Speaker: Anthony Aufdenkampe (ORCID: 0000-0002-5811-6458), Sarah Jordan (ORCID: 0000-0002-2841-0576), Xavier Nogueira (ORCID: 0000-0002-3458-1646),Paul Tomasula (ORCID: 0009-0004-8120-5936)
When: Wednesday, Dec 13, 12PM EST
Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Abstract: The USGS National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric (NHGF) team is modernizing their datasets and services around analysis-ready cloud-optimized (ARCO) object storage, software frameworks, and end-user workflows. NHGF data delivery and processing services are backed by the aging GeoServer and THREDDS software packages, both written in Java and neither optimized for the cloud. We are supporting NHGF replace GeoServer with pygeoapi, the new Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) reference implementation in Python of their second generation OGC API suite of standards, including the OGC-API Processes API and the OGC-API Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) API. We also supporting NHGF to replace their THREDDS Data Server with Catalog-To-Xpublish, which exposes the NHGF SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) to OPenDAP endpoints. We present here our contributions to these open-source projects to enable the USGS Water Mission Area migrate to their ARCO future.
- 20 minutes - Community Showcase
- 40 minutes - Showcase discussion/Community check-ins