Spent a whole day working on this diagram of the Pangeo Machine Learning (ML) ecosystem for a talk next week (18 Oct 2023), and I’d like to solicit some feedback from any Pangeo Machine Learning practicioners!
In particular, I’m interested in adding any pubilcly available Pangeo ML educational resources that are missing (top-right of the figure). Also welcome any general feedback, but note that this figure is heavily biased towards stuff that integrates natively with xarray and/or (geo)pandas
For anyone interested, this was drawn using Excalidraw. Code/JSON file for the entire figure is at 🎨 Add diagram of Pangeo Machine Learning Ecosystem in 2023 by weiji14 · Pull Request #5 · weiji14/foss4g2023oceania · GitHub if anyone wants to reproduce this, and I’ve includes a link to every SVG/PNG logo in the figure for future reference
- Diagram was mostly inspired by Jake VanderPlas’s SciPy 2015 keynote
- @jbednar’s Pandata repo at GitHub - panstacks/pandata: The Pandata scalable open-source analysis stack was another good resource