Kerchunk planning

I’d like to have more patterns to combine references from different files. Currently, MultiZarrToZarr is the only way to do the combination, and it is always a (multi-dimensional?) concat.

Some ocean models use separate files (e.g. grid files) for information that is constant in time, which would need a merge instead of a concat to be included.

(this is already possible using custom code on the raw references, so I guess I’m requesting a higher-level API for these)

Edit: this may be a slippery slope, though, since we don’t actually want to reimplement xarray in kerchunk. So I realize we’ll need to draw a line somewhere.

Regarding the current API, I think MultiZarrToZarr currently does too much at once, leading to a somewhat unsatisfactory API. Instead, I believe it would benefit from being split into smaller functions / classes, like concat, merge, or creating 0d variables from attributes / metadata (filepath?).