The next ESA Living Planet Symposium will be held on the 23-27 May 2022 in Bonn Germany.
As Europeans(@tinaok, @Guillaume , @mechev , @acocac , @annefou, @strobpr, and some others…) we would like to promote Pangeo for his inclusiveness and cross-continent approach so we are working on two abstracts for the sessions C5.03 (more tech) and C5.06 (more political). A first draft is already available here and we would love some help from native speakers.
More details on sessions here: Scientific Sessions Descriptions – Living Planet Symposium 2022 (
So If you would like to help us or if you would like to have more info on this you are more than welcome. We are organizing a meeting, here is the doodle (don’t forget that times are expressed in CET time) or feel free to leave comments on the document.
Unfortunatelly we are short on time as the deadline is the 10th of December, so hurry up with comments!