Hi everyone!
Does anyone knows how to use Cartopy with offline data? I’m intending to use this package ( Cartopy Offlinedata :: Anaconda.org ) to supply the data, but no clue on how to access it later once installed. I’m an HPC user.
Hi everyone!
Does anyone knows how to use Cartopy with offline data? I’m intending to use this package ( Cartopy Offlinedata :: Anaconda.org ) to supply the data, but no clue on how to access it later once installed. I’m an HPC user.
From taking a peek at the implementation (cartopy_offlinedata-feedstock/download_antarctic.py at main · conda-forge/cartopy_offlinedata-feedstock · GitHub) it seems like you don’t need to do anything special. The cartopy_offline data package will set the config to point to the populated data directory.
I just did a little test locally and it worked as expected without any modifications. I double checked by inspecting the cartopy.config
Hi @jsignell ! Yes, it worked like this for me. However, I took an advice from one of the maintainers of the conda-forge repo, regarding the install which I will leave it here just for future reference: How to use it? · Issue #16 · conda-forge/cartopy_offlinedata-feedstock · GitHub . Thanks for the help!