Can't log in to Pangeo Google Cloud hub

I’ve lost access to the pangeo Google Cloud hub. When I try to access it I get the message “Looks like you have NOT been added to the list of allowed users for this hub. Please contact the hub administrators.” I understand that we are in the process of winding down but I was under the impression that I would have continued access for a few more months. Please can you let me know what is going on.

Hmm, I see the same the same error message and am listed as an “admin” @cspencerjones so something must have changed in the 2i2c configuration. I opened this issue, hopefully it’ll get resolved shortly. 403: Forbidden trying to log into Pangeo JupyterHub for all users · Issue #4043 · 2i2c-org/infrastructure · GitHub

I’m not sure what the timeline is for closing down this jupyterhub, maybe @rabernat or @jmunroe can provide more info on that front.


Sorry for this and thank you for notifying us at 2i2c @scottyhq and thank you for initially reporting this @cspencerjones - we think its been resolved now.


Hello everyone, I am new to pangeo but I am getting this same problem " 403 : Forbidden

Looks like you have NOT been added to the list of allowed users for this hub. Please contact the hub administrators.". Would someone be able to help me log in to The 2i2c JupyterHub for Pangeo ?

Thanks a lot for your help!

Hi @lsiegelman, you should be good to go now, unfortunately authorizing new members is done by a script that fails regularly :frowning: Full details here Unable to sign up for Pangeo - #4 by rabernat

But long story short, just make sure you accept an invite to the “us-central1-b-gcp” GitHub Team under the Pangeo GitHub Organization and then you can login.

thanks a lot @scottyhq, it is now fixed :slight_smile: