Breakout group: Hacking on and around Xarray
@dcherian, @TomNicholas, and myself are planning to hack on and around Xarray. Some specific areas we may focus on are:
- Xarray + Dask problems and tutorial material (Intermediate Xarray+Dask tutorial · Discussion #6945 · pydata/xarray · GitHub)
- Distributed array discussions (see also New Working Group for Distributed Array Computing)
- Xarray + Datatree (see Import datatree in xarray? by TomNicholas · Pull Request #7418 · pydata/xarray · GitHub)
- Xarray + Flexible Indexes (Explicit Indexes · GitHub)
- Xarray + Zarr V3 (performance improvement and spec evolution)
We’re also hoping to help newer users / developers of Xarray get going so bring your own issue / project and we will try to help you get rolling.
Durration: Morning and afternoon sessions, attend either or both
Pre-requites: Excitement about Xarray, Dask, and/or Zarr.