AGU Session Invitation: ED034 - Reflections on Open Science: Sharing Stories, Progress, and Lessons Learned

(please circulate widely)

Hi everyone,

With AGU abstract submission now open, I wanted to invite you to consider submitting to a session I am organizing: “Reflections on Open Science: Sharing Stories, Progress, and Lessons Learned.”

AGU allows 2 abstracts per author if they are in separate sections. We have this session listed under the Education section so that presenters have the flexibility to present both in this session alongside a more traditional scientific presentation in a discipline section (e.g. Atmospheric Sciences, Hydrology). Abstract submission closes on July 31.

Here is the link and session description:

ED034 - Reflections on Open Science: Sharing Stories, Progress, and Lessons Learned

The philosophy of open science is becoming ever more present, both from the bottom-up in the actions of individuals and from the top-down in changing policy in academic, government, and funding institutions.

This session aims to bring together open science practitioners and enablers from all corners of the scientific community. While we welcome all abstracts sharing perspectives on and experiences with open science practices, we encourage authors to reflect on some of the following questions: What does open science mean to you and your organization? Is open science living up to its promise? How do you see scientific institutions changing to meet the needs of open science policy and expectations? How has adopting open science practices been successful or unsuccessful in your field?

We especially encourage individuals who are early-career or from underrepresented groups to submit to this session.


Lucas Sterzinger (NASA GSFC/GES DISC)
Paige Martin (Australian Earth System Simulator; formerly NASA HQ/TOPS)
Bri Lind (Formerly USGS EROS/LPDAAC)
Daniel Quaye (Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research)

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
