Trying to create a simple dashboard showing the map data and a time series underneath, dashboard controls should allow selecting a dataset and run some simple analysis and show the results. Ran into a few hiccups and was wondering if anyone had solved them:
When creating a time slider with xarray.dataarray.hvplot(), I can’t incorporate the results in a panel. The panel controls don’t work.
Can’t get a time sliders from the Param class. I’ve been using the widgets class but lose all the advantages of Param.
Is there a way to use the tools ‘tap’ to get the coordinates and show a timeseries for these coordinates?
I believe the controls normally do work when an hvplot is embedded in a panel, and it’s also possible to separate the controls from the plot if you need to lay them out separately. I’d have to see an example of what’s not working for you to see what to suggest.
You can use the widgets argument to pn.Param (see Param — Panel 0.11.3 documentation) to specify a non-default widget, if you have one that you’d prefer to use instead of the default.
Yes! shows how to do that with a Hover tool, and it’s similar with a Tap tool.
I’d be happy to help go over these with you via zoom, especially if you’d be happy to release the result as a public example…
Thanks, let me try to work with the info you sent. But a consult call will be more than welcome.
I can make the resulting notebook public. The only problem might be to move the data. It’s currently on our (publicly accessible) server but one would have to download the data to use it.
I’ll have a go reproducing the problems you have encountered (all the things described are reasonable and should work) and I’ll get back to you on Monday.
I have downloaded the example notebook and set up the environment. Based on the filename, I believe this is the dataset I need? NASA IT Security Warning Banner
I just want to make sure before I set up an Earthdata account to download the necessary data…
Just to say I now have the notebook running and I’m working through the issues you’ve raised.
Transparency slider is disables (Get an error when uncommenting surf_plot.opts that column object don’t support opts)
This is because the use of groupby='time' means that hvplot no longer returns a HoloViews object and instead returns a panel column with widgets for controlling the groupby, making it tricky to apply .opts to the underlying HoloViews object.
Anyway, I’ve managed to fix this issues (including the variable change problem) with this approach for your first visualization:
Hi @khider ! I just wanted to check in with you and see if you managed to solve your issues here. Don’t hesitate to reach us, the Holoviz team, if need be
Thank you! Yes I got somewhere. The last problem is that we’re on a server so quite slow. But the tech part for prototyping is working. I need to polish it and then will release it publicly.