Nice, related package posted by Ryan here: Can a reprojection/change of CRS operation be done lazily using rioXarray? - #5 by rabernat
btw yesterday I found out GDAL can warp not only from geolocation-array grids (e.g. a curvlinear netcdf), but it can also warp to one . That cuts out a lot of jiggery pokery with point reprojection and look up (but obvsly not always appropriate given the metric of interest).
Take one band of a CMIP model and zero out the values (Float32) to create a template target grid, geolocation is by lon,lat arrays in the netcdf.
Then warp another grid source to that.
gdal_translate "vrt:///vsicurl/,100,0,0"
gdalwarp "vrt:///vsicurl/"
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