The LinkedEarth leadership team (D. Khider, J. Emile-Geay and N. McKay) invite you to a new edition of PaleoHack, to build capacity in Python-based data science in the paleoclimate community.
Whereas previous PaleoHack editions walked participants through pre-made tutorials, this “Bring Your Own Problem” edition is aimed at early-career researchers with a science problem to solve. The workshop will feature a mix of lectures, team-building activities, solo and group coding time, toaccelerate your research progress towards a particular science goal (ideally, one or more publications). A particular interest of ours is to foster collaboration between paleoclimate modelers and observationalists, using the LiPD ecosystem and the LinkedEarth Research Hub.
Requirements for participation:
● Intermediate scientific Python proficiency (working knowledge of numpy, pandas andmatplotlib a must; xarray as needed), either through participation in a previous PaleoHackedition, independent training certificate, or submitted code example.
● An interesting and manageable science problem, i.e. something on which reasonable progress might be made over 4 days. Examples include science questions heretofore limitedby the access to data or the ability to analyze them quantitatively.
● Desire to collaborate with other ECRs (graduate students past their qualifying exam process,all the way to junior faculty/staff).
We anticipate hosting 10-15 participants in sunny Marina Del Rey, CA, at the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute. Travel, lodging, and food costs for participants at US-based institutions will be partially or fully funded by the National Science Foundation (grant AGS 2002518), with priority given to early-career researchers, women, and underrepresented minorities. International applicants will be considered, but cannot be financially supported by NSF.
If interested, head to PaleoHack 4, Bring Your Own Project | PaleoHack and register by March 12th, 2023.