The CMIP6 Data for our Hackathon

Hi all, I am Naomi Henderson (research scientist, LDEO) and I have been putting together our zarr CMIP6 bucket in Google Cloud Storage (GCS). I will get this started by giving a few general tips which should apply to both the NCAR/GLADE and the LDEO/GCS collections.

1. Finding the data you need:

2. Make a request: HERE

  • A data request can be made with a minimum of 3 keywords: experiment_id, table_id, and variable_id.

  • The Google Form which we have put together allows you to specify first a table_id and then select multiple experiment_ids and provide a list of variable_ids.

  • Normally, we would assume you would like all available models, but if you would like specific models, you can select source_ids from a list.

  • Please add comments and questions if the simple form does not quite fit your requirements.