I was wondering if anyone else is using the CMIP6 HighResMIP data (https://collab.knmi.nl/project/highresmip/) ?
I didn’t find ocean variable on the data catalog stored on google cloud. I got an empty dataframe when I run:
df = pd.read_csv('https://storage.googleapis.com/cmip6/cmip6-zarr-consolidated-stores.csv')
df_highres = df.query("activity_id=='HighResMIP' & variable_id == 'uo' ")
It seems that the only table_id available for these simulations are:
['Amon' '6hrPlev' '3hr' '6hrPlevPt' 'day' 'CF3hr' 'E3hr' 'AERmon' 'CFday'
'LImon' 'Lmon' 'AERday' 'SIday' 'SImon']
Should I look for it somewhere else?
Thanks, Loïc