Hi folks, I’m looking for recommendations for favorite python modules for generating interactive / javascript (i.e. leaflet.js) plots. Looking for ability to easily add both vector and raster layers. Need a workflow that is compatible with remote/cloud-based objects (i.e. gdal virtual filesystem) and ideally a able to automatically handle things like choosing an appropriate downsampling strategy for large images (rather than try and plot more pixels than the screen renders and crashing out of RAM ). Other nice aspects would be an interface that toggle between static image plots and dynamic leaflet maps and can easily abstract ‘theme’-ing elements (color-schemes etc) from plotting code. It’s also nice if the library handles things like re-projecting or cropping additional layers to the CRS and bbox of the first layer but obviously that can be done manually.
For reference, I’m coming from R where tmap
is commonly used for these things. (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tmap/vignettes/tmap-getstarted.html)