Title: “Arkouda as an XArray backend for HPC!”
Speaker: Jeremiah Corrado (ORCID: 0000-0003-2688-0600)
When: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 4 PM EST
Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Recent improvements to Arkouda (a numpy-like Python library for working with distributed arrays and dataframes in an HPC context) have allowed it to serve as a new backend for XArray. This talk will give a brief introduction into what makes Arkouda unique, and then cover how and why one might use it as a backend for their XArray workflows.
- ~15 minutes - Showcase presentation
- 10 - 30 minutes - Discussion
- 15 - 30 minutes - Community check-in
Hi @maxrjones —
Thanks very much for hosting Jeremiah’s showcase last month! A few community members who couldn’t make the event have expressed interest in seeing a playback if possible, so I wanted to ask whether you’ll be posting the recording here as with previous showcases? (fully realizing that Thanksgiving may have slowed things down).
Thanks again,
I’m sorry for the delay! Indeed I have gotten behind due to the holidays and upcoming conferences. I just uploaded the video and added it to the announcement post. If you were wondering why today’s showcase was posted so much faster, it’s because Rich hosted and is more on top of tasks right now. Thanks for your understanding, and thanks again to the Arkouda team for a great talk!
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Oh, I hadn’t even noticed that today’s showcase lapped Jeremiah’s — I’d just set a reminder for today to check on this, and it went off. Anyway, certainly no need to apologize, and thanks for putting it up. Unless you have any objections, we’ll probably plug this on our social media channels and the like as well.
Thanks for the quick response!
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