Okay let’s restart this today at 1pm EST!
I’ll give a little overview on “What’s needed for a full end-to-end workflow with cubed/Ramba”, talking about a couple of in-progress PRs to xarray, and numpy API standards.
@Todd_Anderson if you can make it that would be great because this should hopefully be useful to you. (Xarray devs will probably already know the things I’m going to say.)
@rabernat I think we need a new pangeo calendar event for this meeting? We can keep using the same zoom link and notes from before though presumably.
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@Todd_Anderson here’s my presentation from today, which contains various links to relevant issues and so on.
We have a preliminary discussion topic for next time (in 2 weeks, so 6th Feb), which is “Testing frameworks for wrapped parallel computing libraries integrated with xarray”. I’ll talk about the work / ideas that Justus and I had around that.
But if anyone else has something they want to show us we can do that instead!
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Another meeting today!
I’m going to talk about “Testing frameworks for wrapped parallel computing libraries integrated with xarray” - last time we really only got as far as the array API standard and parallel backends in xarray because there was so much great discussion!
As ever if anyone else has something they want to discuss please suggest it!
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No meeting today - it’s a public holiday in the US!
We will return in 2 weeks - if anyone has anything they would like to present please come forward!
Today we don’t have a talk lined up, so instead I’m going to use the time to work on my PR to wrap cubed with xarray. I’ll hang out on the zoom in case anyone wants to join me!
If anyone else wants to join at 1pm EST and work on this or related projects then please do!
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I have a standing conflict with this slot unfortunately.
Cubed now works with xarray - at least for this simple case!
At 1pm today I’ll hold a meeting and show anyone who is interested the guts of it.
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We had a great discussion last time, all about possible benchmarks.
This time I’ll be on the zoom at 1pm EST again - happy to chat, or I’ll just continue working on the ChunkManagerEntrypoint
pull request to xarray.
I’ll be on at 1pm again, trying to finish my big PR to xarray to get cubed working.
Sorry everyone! I was wrapped up in something and completely forgot to join! I’m in the zoom room now if anyone wants to chat.
Reminder that there is another meeting today at 1pm EST!
I will not be available today (again) unfortunately as I’ll be on a train to a conference. If anyone would like to meet without me then please go ahead!
Otherwise I’ll be posting about some recent work on the xarray-cubed integration soon, so look out for that until next meeting.
Let’s restart this today! I’ll be on zoom at 1pm EST.
I have some preliminary results of using Cubed with xarray to show.
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I just published an blog post on the xarray blog about integrating Cubed with Xarray! (twitter thread.
Looking forward to discussing the results in the next working group meeting.
Unfortunately I’m now going on a flight to the Scipy conference at the time of the meeting today.
If anyone would like to meet without me then please go for it! (I would love for this meeting to keep happening in my absence.)
We’re on for today!! 1pm EST - Come to hear about Cubed-Xarray, and for general chit-chat about distributed arrays.
(cc @alxmrs and @Gil_Vernik )
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@TomNicholas, @tomwhite can you make it to the meeting on Mon, Aug 21?
@torimcd has a couple of test problems in mind and wants to experiment with cubed.
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Yes, I’ll be at the meeting on Aug 21.
Yep I’ll be there at 1pm today! Anyone welcome to join as ever.
I’m not around today - let’s discuss where to take this group in future next time.
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