Add your name to NSF RFI on Data-Focused Cyberinfrastructure

This has a very short fuse! Has to be submitted by today (Dec. 16) at 5pm ET!

NSF has a solicitation for a Dear Colleague Letter: Request for Information on Data-Focused Cyberinfrastructure Needed to Support Future Data-Intensive Science and Engineering Research

I have written a draft response, and I’d like to seek input from the Pangeo community. If you endorse this, feel free to add your name. Please also feel free to add suggestions, although I reserve the right to reject them if they are hard to implement / go over the word limit.

I am particularly interested in including the endorsement of non-geoscientsts, like @choldgraf (neuroscience) and @wtbarnes (astro).

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Endorse… Fantastic write-up all!

Thanks to everyone who contributed! It has been submitted.

@rabernat really sorry I did not make it in time! I’ve been traveling for the holidays and am not good at keeping up with discourse so I just saw this…

No worries Will! My bad for leaving it to the last minute. I think we put together a good submission.

I am sorry that I missed this – I would have been happy to contribute to this and co-sign. I wish this conversation would also have been linked on

BTW: Is GitHub no longer a good place to discuss Pangeo-related issues? Do you want to add a template that directs people here instead?

Ariel you raise a really good point. We forked our communications platform. The idea was that we were excluding people from our discussions because not everyone is comfortable with github. But we have also made it harder to have one coherent community.

I think we need to make a decisions about this. What about

  • GitHub for technical discussion (issues that ultimately have solutions in code)
  • Discourse for everything else (community, science applications, announcements, etc.)

I like your suggestion to put this in the issue template.