2025 Climate Informatics @Rio - Call for papers

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the 14th International Conference on Climate Informatics (CI2025), scheduled for April 28–30, 2025, at the Centro Cultural Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This marks the first occasion the conference will be hosted in the Global South, underscoring our commitment to fostering a more inclusive dialogue in climate informatics.

CI2025 will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, lightning talks, poster sessions, and networking opportunities. Our agenda will encompass emerging topics and overarching themes pertinent to the interface between climate sciences and data science, aiming to stimulate insightful discussions and collaborations.

Recognizing the importance of inclusivity and environmental responsibility, the conference will adopt a hybrid model, facilitating in-person and virtual participation. We are dedicated to ensuring that all attendees, regardless of location, have a rewarding experience. We invite researchers, practitioners, and students from diverse disciplines to submit their work.

The abstract submission deadline is January 10, 2025. For more details, please visit the conference website (including information about the venue and directions): https://2025.climateinformatics.com.br/

For any inquiries, please contact the organizing committee at ci2025@climateinformatics.com.br

We look forward to your participation and hope to see you in Rio de Janeiro in April 2025!


Ricardo Barros Lourenço
On behalf of the Climate Informatics 2025 Organizing Committee


An update is that the submission deadline was extended to January 29th! :sweat_smile:

Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder that CI2025’s deadline is only two days away. We are excited to see your submission and meet in Rio de Janeiro!

Please see all the information for submission at: https://2025.climateinformatics.com.br

Best regards,

Ricardo B. Lourenço

On behalf of the 2025 Climate Informatics Organizing Committee

[:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: Deadline Extension:] Given some technical issues reported by participants on the submission platform, we are extending the deadline to this Sunday (Feb 2nd, 11:59 pm AoE). If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to contact us ( ci2025@climateinformatics.com.br )!

:link: https://2025.climateinformatics.com.br

Hi @rlourenco! We are considering submitting an abstract to this about Icechunk, but we’re concerned it’s a bit too technology focused as opposed to science focused. The abstract submission form seems to require a very research-centric approach (hypothesis, results, conclusions, etc.)

Could you advise us on whether this would be a good fit for the conference?

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Hi @rabernat ! I spoke with Douglas Rao (from the Steering Committee) and seems fine, as it seems it would be like those SciPy Conf-like papers, that bring the library with use cases relevant to climate informatics (which I believe is something you are already doing at Earthmover). I can follow up on this through e-mail, if you don’t mind.