Searching beyond pixels and tiles: showcase

Title: Searching beyond pixels and tiles
Invited Speaker: Campbell Watson (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3029-9069) & Johannes Schmude (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0908-1102) with Romeo Keinzler (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7145-8225) at IBM Research
When: Wednesday May 17th 12PM EDT
Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom
When confronted with a large amount of data, an immediate question is that of search. For traditional database systems this often means how to effectively retrieve a single entry such as a business transaction or a sensor measurement. In this case, queries are accelerated by building suitable indices that index individual entries. For geospatial data, the single entry—a pixel—is often not of that much interest. Rather, a user might want to find groups of pixels that define a storm, a heat wave, an atmospheric river, or a set of clouds obscuring a satellite image.

With this in mind, we introduce the concept of overview indices. These are regional indices that summarize statistics across groups of pixels. They go beyond tile-level metadata often found in STAC-like catalogues by allowing us to identify relevant subsets of the data without loading the pixel-level raw data.

Our talk will discuss the design of these indices—based on geoparquet—as well as their various uses. The latter will extend to questions of data federation and query optimization where minimizing (data transfer) costs is needed for cross-data center and cross-region operations.

  • 5-15 minutes - Community showcase
  • 5-15 minutes - Q&A / Community check-in
  • 20-35 minutes - Agenda and Open discussion

@JimColl - by chance, was this talk recorded?

Yup, this archive is posted here: Wednesday May 17th: Searching beyond pixels and tiles