The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) is looking for a full-time contractor-based data engineer whose technical skills and interests are focused on data management, documentation, and data curation approaches applied to remote sensing and Earth science data systems. Applicants should have experience in data management, particularly in evaluation and integration of heterogeneous oceanographic data. Applicants must have experience in Earth science metadata standards, scientific data formats such as HDF and netCDF, remote sensing, GIS, and data documentation experience. The candidate will:
- Work with the PO.DAAC operations team and data providers to track and move datasets through the various stages of data publication.
- Develop scripts and approaches for efficient and high-quality QA/QC of datasets ingested into the archive.
- Enhance user experience and usability of the datasets, including documentation.
- Prepare scripts, tutorials, and workshops to enhance the use of PO.DAAC services and datasets.
- Provide scientific and technical support for remote sensing data distribution tools and services.
Please contact John Klose ( for further inquiries.