Making kerchunk as simple as a toggle?

As someone who recently discovered kerchunk and has to constantly reference the Kerchunk cookbook, I am wondering whether it’s a good idea (or if it’s even possible) to have kerchunk as a simple toggle kwarg in xr.open_dataset? Right now I feel like there’s a lot of steps to remember to do (1. generate reference files, 2. wrap fsspec on those reference files, 3. pass that to xr.open_dataset–if these steps are even accurate)

I feel like it could be done, but I’ve only used kerchunk a teeny bit for examples so I don’t have too much context.

I imagine it can be used like xr.open_dataset("", kerchunk=True) and it would generate the reference files in the current directory if it doesn’t exist–or use the existing generated reference files. And, depending on the engine used, it would use the appropriate kerchunk backend like xr.open_dataset("unoptimized_file.grib", engine="cfgrib", kerchunk=True)

As an analogy, I’m thinking of how datashader can be used with hvplot by setting df.hvplot(datashade=True) and I am hoping that kerchunk can be that simple, but again I haven’t used kerchunk extensively.


Funny timing, I was just looking into this last night, for the same reasons you mention :slight_smile:

This can be done with an xarray backend, which would be usable like

ds = xr.open_dataset(refs, engine="kerchunk")

where refs is the url to the JSON file, parquet file, or the in-memory references.

If you need any additional keywords (like remote_protocol, remote_storage_options) those would still need to be passed in.

I opened Add `xarray.open_dataset` backend · Issue #360 · fsspec/kerchunk · GitHub to discuss adding this to kerchunk.


This is a cool idea!

It sounds like what you’re suggesting Tom is simpler than what you originally suggested Andrew - just eliminating the fsspec step but not actually running kerchunk to generate the references automatically like Andrew suggests. Are you thinking that automatically running kerchunk called from an xarray backend would be “too auto-magical”?

Ohh, I missed

it would generate the reference files in the current directory if it doesn’t exist–or use the existing generated reference files.

entirely. I was just thinking about the case where you already have references.

Doing that automatically does feel pretty magical… Lots of potential complications around things like reading files from remote filesystems, but maybe still worth doing.

I have noticed that cfgrib outputs a .idx file in the local directory automatically.

I don’t see how this could work in general for all the reasons that coo_map exists.

Maybe setting concat_dim like in xr.open_mfdataset?

Doing that automatically does feel pretty magical… Lots of potential complications around things like reading files from remote filesystems, but maybe still worth doing.

I believe we should identify the most common use-case and should support that. Then for other cases, the user can drop down to the lower level.

Again analogous to hvplot covering most use-cases → holoviews → hooks bokeh/matplotlib → render as bokeh/matplotlib figures.

Making the references locally seems like a form of caching - but it doesn’t store too much data. It seems like it should be doable for common cases, and generally if the correct set of arguments to make the references is stored somewhere, say a catalog.


If you made a backend that understood concat_dim via open_mfdataset (which already would require changes to xarray’s backend entrypoint base class I think), then you would also find that open_mfdataset(engine='kerchunk') could only deal with a subset of the cases open_mfdataset can normally deal with: those with regular chunking. It would be another rmotivation to have Zarr support irregular chunking.

EDIT: It seems there are other scenarios which xarray.open_mfdataset’s combining algorithms can deal with which kerchunk currently cannot.

We’ll be presenting our approach to making kerchunk usage simpler at next week’s Pangeo Showcase

The approach requires the use of a backend database to store the references, so it might not meet every use case. But it certainly improves the user experience and solves some consistency challenges!

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@ahuang11 I’ve had a go at making something similar work in this notebook, see Refactor MultiZarrToZarr into multiple functions · Issue #377 · fsspec/kerchunk · GitHub.

The aim is to make generating references use xarray syntax instead:

ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
    engine='kerchunk',  # kerchunk registers an xarray IO backend that returns zarr.Array objects
    combine='nested',  # 'by_coords' would require actually reading coordinate data
    parallel=True,  # would use dask.delayed to generate reference dicts for each file in parallel

ds  # now wraps a bunch of zarr.Array / kerchunk.Array objects directly, not numpy/dask arrays

ds.kerchunk.to_json('newstore.zarr')  # kerchunk defines an xarray accessor that extracts the zarr arrays and serializes them

You would then still need to open the data the normal way from your new references, but the actual generation of the references becomes much more intuitive.


awesome, this disucssion is what I was looking for a long time without knowing what to ask for!

creating individual jsons and combining them is fine for me for now while I learn more about kerchunk but I’m following along and keen to discuss prospects. thanks!

@Michael_Sumner my previous comment has now developed into the VirtualiZarr package (see Pangeo Showcase: "VirtualiZarr: Create virtual Zarr stores using xarray syntax")

I have also suggested some ideas for how this might all be integrated upstream and made more automatic in Splitting out lazy indexing layer and backends layer as zarr-python features · Issue #9281 · pydata/xarray · GitHub and Zarr as a "universal reader" for netCDF etc., via new CF decoding codecs · Issue #303 · zarr-developers/zarr-specs · GitHub .

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excellent, thanks for the guidance, I didn’t realize that VirtualiZarr was the next stage/s

I asked a question on gdal-dev (that was entirely off-base in terms of how to proceed), but the reply by dev Even was very helpful and I think I can probably contribute that on the GDAL side:

I’ll offer more specific feedback as I pivot in from various directions. :pray:

Just to add, this seems to me like the panacea for netcdf generally, and providers would simply point us to their maintained virtual Zarr, and that could be used directly or as a way to sync “locally” the subset required , rather than “us” generating the json. Certainly we’ll be recasting our disk and object storage to include this mech now.

Also, is there kerchunk effort into HDF4? That was the real legacy that I had no way to access remotely, while everything else seems well covered now by various protocols. Kerchunk makes netcdf faster but it’s not actually needed for access per se, whereas with HDF4 there’s no remote access at all and so I don’t get why it’s not in the kerchunk list (??). Maybe I have a terminology or other confusion here :grinning:

Thanks for sharing this! I think the exact format of the references is still in flux here - kerchunk’s json/parquet format exists but we’re having active discussions about how exactly we could take this to it’s logical conclusion and represent the manifest in zarr itself upstream. I.e. making Zarr a “SuperFormat”. This is the issue to follow: Manifest storage transformer · Issue #287 · zarr-developers/zarr-specs · GitHub.


I don’t know much about HDF4, but there is some mention of it on the VirtualiZarr tracker, so I raised an issue to discuss it here: Support HDF4? · Issue #216 · zarr-developers/VirtualiZarr · GitHub

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Also @ahuang11 on your original question, see this comment from today:

Basically I think that once we have storage manifest transformers upstream in zarr-python, then we could turn virtualizarr.ManifestArrays directly into zarr.Arrays. Then we could set it up such that you could use an engine='virtualizarr' kwarg to xr.open_dataset to basically achieve what you’re asking for above.

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Kerchunk could probably do HDF4 if there were demand. We do do netCDF3, another legacy format.

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thanks! I just find it funny that I couldn’t find any mention of it, like maybe it was not possible at all … the NASA stores for HDF4 are immense - but probably it’s just an important data source in my circles (and probably not as important as it once was, for L1 sea ice and ocean colour).

I am having trouble finding a byte-by-byte spec for HDF4. Is this a “spec by code” case? I’d rather not read C and FORTRAN routines…